Monday, January 4, 2010

Internet Marketing at its Finest

MXI is essentially just a club of Xocai healthy chocolate eaters. Recently, the club has expanded to healthy energy drink drinkers. Like most clubs, there is a membership fee. In this case, it is $39, a small price for obtaining a website that you can immediately refer to anybody with an ounce of entrepreneurial spirit.

CocoaPrimo is a committee, or team, within the MXI/Xocai club. While face-to-face marketing is very effective, our team is increasingly marketing on the internet to maximize the power of leverage for sponsoring new distributors. Unfortunately, web traffic doesn't simply start flocking to your website the minute you make it. The demand for more traffic creates a market which spawns companies that ask you for money in exchange for advertising services. I've seen many of these that look very credible, but I wasn't interested in paying for leads. Eventually I found TrafficSmarter, which is a FREE (Gold Membership is free for a limited time only) internet marketing traffic generator which advertises your website in exchange for advertising their website. This is a dream come true for social networking businesses like CocoaPrimo, but even if you don't already have a product to offer, you can advertise for TrafficSmarter and collect affiliate commissions on PayPal! You really have nothing to lose. Click below to get started

Click here to get Traffic Smarter

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